David Irianto
This research is conducted to know the effect of chitin and chitosan which is isolated from waste prawn eggshell of windu to the quality of chemistry, durability and organoleptic of wet noodle. In this research the concentration of chitin or chitosan which are given to the wet noodle are begun from 0,0 %; 0,5%; 1.0%; 1,5%; 2,0%; 2,5%. The research of chemistry quality of wet noodle are begun from the rate of irrigate which is researched with drying method, the rate of protein with kjeldal method, the rate of fat with shoxlet and the rate kalium mineral with spektrofotometer. The durability of wet noodle which is used as parameter in this research is the number of microba which are calculated with TPC method. The quality of organoleptic which is researched is the quality of colour, taste, sense and textur. The analysis of statistics and quantitative descriptive show that the addition of chitin or chitosan with concentration 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2.0; 2,5 to the noodle give the significant effect to the quality of chemistry. It is shown that the rate of irrigate decrease progressively ever greatly addition of chitin or chitosan and the rate of protein increase progressively ever greatly addition of chitin or chitosan. While, the rate of fat, carbohydrate and kalium mineral do not show the significant effect. The addition of chitin or chitosan also give the significant effect to the number of microba. In microba research, the number of microba decrease progressively ever greatly addition of chitin or chitosan. Generally, the result of organoleptic research show that from 15 panelists said “like” to the organoleptic quality of wet noodle with addition chitin or chitosan. in the other hand, wet noodle without addition chitin or chitosan, panelists said “like enough”.
Key words: chitin, chitosan, wet noodle
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